Since coming back to work after Lockdown and having to put some restrictions in place for my studio sessions, I have had a surge of bookings for outdoor photoshoots.
Personally I prefer outdoor shoots to studio sessions. Don't get me wrong, studio shoots absolutely serve a purpose, but I find it is a lot easier to capture connections and emotionally enriched
images during my relaxed outdoor photoshoots.
During Lockdown, like everyone, I spent a lot of time exploring the local countryside on my daily walks, and I was fortunate enough to come across this beautiful wild poppy field.
I've wanted to offer poppy field photoshoots for a long time but the I'd never come across a decent field; but discovering this just in time for Lockdown rules to become relaxed, plus the
weather forecast looking good, I jumped at the chance to offer Poppy Field mini sessions!
I have met Josie and Sienna a few times now, but Sienna's daddy, Nick, isn't a fan of being in front of the camera so I'd never captured them all as a family before. The shoot was originally
booked for Josie and Sienna, but Nick decided to come along at the last minute! It made Josie's day, and I couldn't have been happier to photograph them all amongst the poppies!
I keep my outdoor photoshoots as relaxed and as natural as possible; I don't ask for lots of forced poses. I really want to just capture a family enjoying time together.

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